Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Righteousness Upon God's People and Nation

Sow to yourselves in Righteousness,
Reap in Mercy;
Break up your fallow ground:
For it is time to seek the Lord,
Til He come and
Rain righteousness upon You ...
         Hosea 10:12

One of the most beautiful portrayals of new life is the mother bearing her unborn child.  She is expectant of that very date and time when her newborn will make ntrance into this world through the pangs of natural birth.  Sadly, too many young women are terminating their pregnancies under the encouragement of the state healthcare officials and government funding.  Just today there was a slight hope for Victory over the abortion arena as a hearing was called this morning in the court room of Judge James Alexander at the Oakland County courthouse.  Many had hoped and prayed he would rule in favor of the Comfort Inn Suites and LIFE to throw out Planned Parenthood's case to open a clinic in Auburn Hills, MI, against current zoning regulations.  Unfortunately, the judge sent the case over to an appellate court.  The battle for LIFE continues.

Still we look to passages like Hosea 10 and ask God to touch the hearts of His people.  May they sow lives in righteous living, call upon Him, bow before Him, repent and pray, seek His face for guidance.  Then and only then will God rain righteousness upon this earth. 

Spring Crocus

Spring Crocus