Monday, April 23, 2012

Trillium - A Welcoming Wildflower

There are probably close to 40 species of trillium; yet the most common is white, pictured here trillium grandiflorum. You may also find these with soft pinkish petals and there are purple trillium, as well.  The three petals are perfectly shaped and ever so evenly placed.   These can be found near wetlands ... on the edge ... for the soil can't be too damp. And they like a shady, wooded area.  Because they are an early spring bloomer, they symbolize the "Joy of Spring."  Trillium are also representative of healing.  The Native Americans used many parts of this plant for medicinal purposes:  roots boiled in milk may ease stomach pain; leaves boiled in a base could help with skin rash/sores, the roots were also used to stimulate blood flow.  Because of this, the trillium is termed a gift of healing or simply a get well plant to someone going through hard times.

Naturally, the three perfect petals pulled together in the center remind us of The Trinity. White for cleansing and purity, Green for life everlasting.  The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -- The Trinity -- is our ultimate source of healing, our great physician.  "Bless the Lord, O my soul ... who healeth all thy diseases" Psalm 103:2,3.

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Spring Crocus

Spring Crocus